6559 Wilson Mills Rd. Ste. 107
Mayfield Village, OH 44143

What to expect on your first visit
On your first visit you can expect to fill out some intake forms. We'll be asking about your primary complaint, your medical history, and any additional concerns you are facing. Then you will have a consultation with Dr. Sullivan where you will discuss your problems, goals, and concerns. After this, and prior to any treatment, Dr. Sullivan will examine you. He will focus on your chief complaint, but will also spend time looking at your whole body in order to determine the best possible care for you. Dr. Sullivan will work to determine if your injury is appropriate for chiropractic care in order to ensure patient safety. Following the exam, patients can expect treatment, which usually involves chiropractic adjustment(s), manual therapy, stretching, and passive modalities like electric stimulation and mechanical traction. The initial goal is to reduce the amount of discomfort or pain a person is in, and to improve their overall function.
And the second visit...
Dr. Sullivan believes that the first visit isn't actually over until the second visit. Dr. Sullivan is trying to create a physical change in the way a person's body holds itself or moves by putting a patient into a "well-balanced" position. However, muscles are used to supporting an out-of-balance position even though that causes discomfort! At this second visit Dr. Sullivan will now know: how the person initially looked, how the person looked following care, how the person has felt since the first visit, and how the body has responded to care. Good chiropractic care is two-fold; one part changing the structure ("adjusting the bones") and one part re-educating the soft tissue (strengthening or stretching muscles). During the second visit Dr. Sullivan will determine the level of care a person needs.
Therapeutic Massage
Treating the body's structure is a wonderful thing. And sometimes in addition to stretching or strengthening the muscles, a massage is a fantastic addition to a patient's care. Our Licensed Massage Therapist will work to improve circulation to your fatigued muscles, remove those pesky trigger points, and help you feel relaxed in a way that you may have forgotten existed. Many of our massages are medically directed by Dr. Sullivan (as determined by the patient's diagnosis), but there is always the option for a general relaxation massage.
The principle belief of Acupuncture is that by using pressure or needles on certain points of the body, you can influence how your body's energy is moving. Acupuncture believes that there are channels that carry energy that run everywhere in our body. When all these energies are moving well we are in good health. But, when an imbalance occurs we experience a symptom. These symptoms can be any number of things from aches and pains to infertility and everything in between. Chiropractic and Acupuncture work very well together because if Dr. Sullivan can improve your body's structure and then improve the way your energy flows, the better overall a person can feel. Sessions usually last about 25 minutes.